Page not found (404)

“/usr/src/app/var/media/10b6ae0a5d67454ab4a8f1d4b167f7f9_zxLL5ci.pdf” does not exist
Request Method: GET
Request URL:
Raised by: django.views.static.serve

Using the URLconf defined in press.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. admin/
  2. api/
  3. api/article/
  4. import/article/page
  5. import/article/upload
  6. export/journal/doi
  7. api/export/volume/doi
  8. export/volume/publication_url
  9. internal/volume/doisync
  10. internal/volume/syncDate
  11. import/articles
  12. api/queryName
  13. api/upload
  14. api/create/journal
  15. api/update/journal/<str:journalId>
  16. api/create/volume
  17. api/update/volume/<str:volumeId>
  18. api/create/article
  19. api/update/article/<str:articleId>
  20. api/delete/journal/<str:journalId>
  21. api/delete/volume/<str:volumeId>
  22. api/delete/article/<str:articleId>
  23. api/volume/doisync/<str:volumeId>
  24. api/articles/distribution
  25. api/volume/download
  26. api/move/article/<str:articleId>
  27. api/sort/articles
  28. api/contactMsg
  29. api/xuezhi/list/<str:articleId>
  30. api/xuezhi/list
  31. api/xuezhi/sequence
  32. api/journal/list
  33. api/journal/site_map_list
  34. ^static/(?P<path>.*)$
  35. ^media/(?P<path>.*)$

The current path, media/10b6ae0a5d67454ab4a8f1d4b167f7f9_zxLL5ci.pdf, matched the last one.

You’re seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.